Modified on 2021/08/05 13:07 by Rob Rrickson (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
FAQ's relating to the T4 Desktop frontend
What are the minimum requirements to run your system?
How do I install the T4 Desktop?
Can the T4 Desktop be installed on a Mac OSX platform?
Can I run the desktop behind a Firewall?
What do I do if I get locked out from too many failed login attempts?
On the trading ladder, some bid/ask volumes are in parentheses, what does it mean?
What options are there to control the scrolling on the ladder?
Does T4 have the ability to place Iceberg orders?
Are my orders server side or client side?
How do I enter a manual fill?
Do you offer a Flatten Button?
How do I access my previous day’s orders and fills?
Is there an alert where I receive an email whenever there is a fill?
Where can I go to get a trial version of your software?
Can I save a layout to my computer and not your server?
What are the requirements for changing my password?
What is the best way to find out what version I am on?
How long is real-time data available in my two week trial?
How would I send you log files?
Is there a limit of windows you can have open at one time?
How do I delete my data and logs?
Do you offer shortcuts to open windows quicker?
Desktop Charts
Options Pro
Mobile for Android
Mobile for iOS